Construcción de carreteras y vías férreas, puentes y túneles
Productos y servicios
Construcción de carreteras, autopistas y puentes a nivel nacional e internacional.
Construcción de carreteras y autopistas
Construcción de edificios residenciales
Construcción de carreteras y autopistas
Construcción de edificios
Construction of roads and motorways
Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
This company specialises in construction and public works activities. It has a registered office located in Oroso, Spain and was established May 1977. The company began its activity with the objective to construct bridges and great viaducts, as well as all type of factory works. It is in charge of the accomplishment of great civil work infrastructures. Its activity develops all over the national territory, as much of individual form as through temporary unions with other companies of the sector. The company bought Exisa Constructions in 2002 for the restoration of the historical-artistic patrimony, the integral rehabilitation of buildings and the construction of buildings of new plant. It provides structures and assembly for the execution work of factory. In 1997, the company created real estate of bridges to carry out its first incursion in the real estate sector. It also holds on activity that is present in the scope of freeways, parking lots, commercial palaces of congress, hotels, and centers.